Evening Bible Study

First Baptist Church Brentwood Vestry 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Join the Wednesday evening Bible study group.  Led by Pastor Jim.

Choir Rehearsal

First Baptist Church Brentwood Sanctuary 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

The First Baptist Church of Brentwood is proud of its praise and hymnal choir, led and directed by Marie Hall. New singers are always welcome!  

Funky Divas of Gospel Concert

First Baptist Church Brentwood Sanctuary 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

We are pleased to welcome back to the First Baptist Church of Brentwood stage the Funky Divas of Gospel!

Board of Trustees Meeting

First Baptist Church Brentwood Vestry 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Morning Bible Study

First Baptist Church Brentwood 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Join the Wednesday morning Bible study group.  Organized by Kim Mather.

Evening Bible Study

First Baptist Church Brentwood Vestry 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Join the Wednesday evening Bible study group.  Led by Pastor Jim.


First Baptist Church Brentwood Vestry 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Whoever said that there is no such thing as a free lunch is missing out on every third Thursday of the month.  See you there!

Choir Rehearsal

First Baptist Church Brentwood Sanctuary 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

The First Baptist Church of Brentwood is proud of its praise and hymnal choir, led and directed by Marie Hall. New singers are always welcome!  


First Baptist Church Brentwood Vestry 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States

Alcoholics Anonymous meeting

Christmas Eve Service

First Baptist Church Brentwood Sanctuary 201 North Road, Brentwood, NH, United States


The First Baptist Church of Brentwood will be closed for the holiday following Christmas Day, starting Tues., 12/26 through Thurs., 12/28.