What did you do wrong yesterday? How did you foul up?

Did you fib to someone, or gossip about a friend? Maybe you loafed your way through the workday or berated someone for some silly thing, either real or imagined.

Perhaps you simply thought bad thoughts, really bad thoughts, about someone, kind of a mental piercing of a voodoo doll!

Somehow, in some way, yesterday you were not perfect. Nor will you be perfect today.

People who are not Christians often seize on this, pointing their fingers, shouting out “hypocrite!” at us. I John 1: 6 teaches us that, “Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did” and we all fall short of His perfection.

Please don’t confuse “hypocrisy” with “humanity.”

We all make mistakes–errors in judgement– but that is part of our humanity; it does not make us hypocrites; it proves our need of forgiveness.

Jesus came to forgive us for our mistakes and to help us to become right with Him–better persons in this world, so acknowledge your mistakes, seek His forgiveness and don’t let the boo-birds get the better of you! Pastor Jim.