There is an old adage that tells us that, as far as pigs are concerned, we can use every part, except the squeal!

The point is not to waste any part of the animal, but to use it all for your benefit.

It’s the same in life. We sometimes face hardship, trouble, loss–disaster of one kind or another, but we should not waste our sorrow!

When disaster strikes, don’t waste your sorrow by dwelling on what you did to warrant that trouble.

Don’t waste your sorrow by blaming God.. Rather, give Him praise, for by your trouble you have an opportunity to grow in His grace.

Don’t waste your sorrow by blaming yourself. It’s right to acknowledge your failure, if that is what caused your problem, but don’t beat yourself up over it–move on, seek the Lord’s forgiveness, and set a new course of action.

II Corinthians 4:17 reminds us that, “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

Hear that? Future glory will outweigh today’s trouble! That is good news in the midst of bad, so don’t waste your sorrow, but trust in God. He will lead you through this present moment. Pastor Jim.