Today is May 1st, commonly referred to as May Day.

“May Day” has for years been used as a distress call, especially by pilots and sailors.

A radioed message is sent from the distressed aircraft or ship, in hope of alerting someone nearby so that the one in peril can be rescued.

A listener doesn’t need the details; he only needs to hear “May Day” to know that someone is in danger. Then the rescue can begin.

We don’t shout out “May Day” when we find ourselves in personal difficulty. In fact, too often, we keep the trouble to ourselves, preferring to suffer in silence rather than share our hurt and pain with others.

But the book of James (5:16) is quite clear: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

If you find yourself in difficulty, don’t hide your pain. Share with those around you; ask them to pray with you and for you and for resolution of your difficulty.

Our God is gracious and merciful. He will hear and respond in His time and in His way.

Pastor Jim.