I hear it all the time: people complaining because prayer has been taken out of public schools. They figure that putting prayer back in will solve all of our problems.

Baloney! The problem is that people have kicked God out of their homes.

If you are one who claims to know God, love Him and believe in His Son, yet don’t worship regularly, you are part of the problem. Your lazy butt faith helps no one, not yourself, not our nation.

Stop whining and get involved. Attend your local church EVERY week, not just a few times a year. And don’t just attend; become involved in a God loving, Bible-believing congregation involved in ministry.

That’s how we will get our nation back on track–not by sitting back and complaining that “they” took prayer out of the school. Just remember: you are “they.”

Psalm 122:1 says, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.'”

I will rejoice when I see you next Sunday, in church, at worship. Pastor Jim.