What sort of a person are you?

Are you friendly and agreeable, a winsome sort who draws others to you?

Or are you cranky and argumentative, selfish, a person who takes far more than he gives in return?

It takes all kinds, as they say, but some kinds are simply better than others, are they not?

As he began his letter to the Philippians Paul expressed his feelings toward those people. Even in prison, Paul could look at them fondly, expressing his love for them and joy in the knowledge of them.

Philippians 1: 3 says, “I thank my God every time I remember you.”

Wow! Isn’t that how you want people to respond when they think about you?

Why did Paul feel that way? Read the rest of this brief section, down through verse 11. You will realize that what shaped the personalities of the Philippians was their acceptance of, and love for, Jesus as Lord.

They had learned about Jesus, accepted His message, and modeled His attitude and behavior. The result was a church filled with gracious, lovely people, united by their love of their Lord, each one doing everything possible to be like Him.

What about you? Are you modeling Christ today? Is your church? Are people drawn to you, as Paul was to the Philippians? Or are you crabby and disagreeable, pushing people away? Who are you? Pastor Jim.