We’ve all see of heard about the notion of being the last one chosen for the team.

Maybe it was you, waiting, hoping, while others went first, then finally, at the end, you were selected.

If you listen to some modern psychologists, being the last one chosen is cause for severe trauma, which requires lifelong therapy! Oh my!

I’d prefer to look at the idea of being chosen from the other perspective–the fact that you HAVE been chosen–you weren’t overlooked or forgotten.

First or last doesn’t matter. What counts is you made the team!

In his letter to the Ephesians (1: 4) Paul expands on that. He wrote, “For God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.”

Think of it: you have been chosen, by God, to represent Him here on earth, to live in a manner worthy of Christ and to be a witness to His redeeming love.

Hallelujah! God loves YOU enough to have chosen YOU! Wow! That is cause for rejoicing! Pastor Jim.