Stubbornness is a character trait that can go both ways, don’t you think?

There’s the good kind of stubbornness; the stubborn love of a mother for her son, even when he’s the wayward sort. Still, she loves him and will always stand up for him, insisting he’s a “good boy”, even when he’s spent the last ten years in jail!

After all, he’s blood, and we should never give up on family. Never. Family is a gift from God.

Then there’s mindless stubbornness, the kind that people hang onto even in the face of truth and personal disaster: the man on his deathbed who refuses to accept Jesus as Savior because “I managed to get this far without him.”

Paul, in his letter to the Romans (2:5), wrote, “because of your stubbornness you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when His righteous judgement will be revealed.”

That’s sad news, for the man on his deathbed and for anyone too stubborn to give his heart to Christ.

The good news is that it is not too late! The Lord Jesus will accept you: no matter who you are, no matter where you are in your life’s journey.

Don’t be stubborn! Submit to His will and accept His love. Rich blessings will flow to those who do so.

And keep praying for that stubborn family member! Pastor Jim.