Living life can be a tiring experience.

We try so hard, most of us, to meet the expectations of others: first, our parents as we grow up, then our spouse, children, employer–each in turn looks to us for so much, be it good behavior, financial and emotional support, advice and a myriad of other things.

We become weary with endless days of running errands, visiting doctors, listening to complaints, both real and imagined…you wonder, will it ever end? Is there no peace for me?

The Psalmist (62:5) wrote, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.”

Yes, life can be overfull and pressure-packed. Sometimes it seems there are not enough hours to do it all, and that your head will explode from listening to everyone’s sorrows but your own. You just want to, want to….you don’t even know anymore what you want!

Stop! That’s the time to find rest in Him. Take a deep breathe. Remember this Psalm. God will bless you with His peace if you will turn to Him. Pastor Jim.