Are you hungry today? I don’t mean hungry for a meal, but hungry for the blessings that only God can give. As we draw nearer to God we hunger and thirst for the righteousness that only a close relationship with Him can provide. And He fills us.

Others, though, are self-satisfied. While deep down inside they may feel a sense of need, it hasn’t risen to the surface and, for so many, never will.

In an attempt to be satisfied, those folks–and they aren’t bad folks–those folks wallow in the false joy of the big house, new car, fancy clothes. They live vicariously through their children, hoping that they will become the superstars their parents have never become.

They run from meeting to meeting, organization to organization, but the emptiness is still there, gnawing away at the soul, and they don’t know why they remain unsatisfied.

Mary, mother of Jesus, expressed it well in what has become known as The Magnificat, when she declared, (Luke 1:53), “He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.”

For those who believe in the Lord there is a treasure trove of good things awaiting, while those drowning in worldly ideas and wealth will continue to starve spiritually.

There is a choice, a clear one, and easily made. Believe in Jesus as Lord and He will fill your hunger. Pastor Jim.