“Grow up!” How many times have you said that, or had it said to you?

It’s a matter of perceived immaturity–that we need to grow up and, what? Face the realities of life, whether that speaks to an attitude or a behavior.

We all need to grow up, especially to grow up in faithfulness, from immature, new believers to seasoned veterans of belief, so that we do not falter or fall.

The final exhortation in II Peter (3: 18) is to grow up: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory now and forevermore.”

Grow in grace: through prayer, by reading His Word, by seeking the wise counsel of more experienced Christian friends and by faithfully attending worship.

Do these things and you will surely grow, and your growth in Christian life will enable you to live confidently, sure in the knowledge of His love for you and commitment to you.

You have accepted His grace–now grow in it, and never stop growing. Pastor Jim.