You don’t know what’s going on in the other guys life, so be careful how you respond to perceived slights, disagreements and differences of opinion.

You have your perspective; the other guy has his, so let it go at that. You aren’t always right, and if you don’t understand that, your thinking is just too one-sided.

The book of Colossians (3:13) offers this: “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

The Lord knows what is in the other person’s heart, even if you do not. When God forgave you, He did so with unconditional love–your responsibility is to forgive in the very same way.

May God’s peace rule in your heart today as you consider not just your own thoughts and actions, but the thoughts and actions of those who may have hurt you. They have their struggles too, you know. Pastor Jim.