It’s all over, even the shouting: the parties, fireworks, Bowl games and everything else that we associate with the beginning of the New Year.

Now it’s back to the business of life.

As we begin to dig into 2019, let’s do so by leaving the past in the past. Forget about the mistakes of last year and focus on the future.

In Philippians 3: 13b-14 Paul wrote “forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Last year’s failures don’t matter to God as we focus on what is ahead, so don’t be burdened down by them. What is important is today, tomorrow and the next day, as we draw one day nearer our heavenly reward.

And the best news of all? Despite all of our faults and failures, God, through Jesus Christ, walks with us, so don’t despair. Just move forward trusting in His mighty Name. Pastor Jim.