Ever visit the hall of mirrors in a fun house? When standing in front of the mirrors you see warped reflections of yourself–you may appear shorter or taller, wider or skinnier–the mirror offers a glimpse of the person you aren’t.

It’s the same in life: some people with whom you interact get the wrong impression of you, sometimes based upon their own observations, at other times the result of things they have heard.

Sometimes we question ourselves, wondering why we did or said something that we really didn’t mean or mean to do. At times we don’t see ourselves clearly.

In any case it is unlikely that, no matter how much people try, they can never know you fully, nor can you really know yourself.

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I see in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (I Corinthians 13: 12)

God knows you however, and He loves you, despite what you think about yourself and despite what others think of you.

Hold your head high; don’t allow yourself to become discouraged by the opinions of others and don’t allow yourself to become depressed by your own foibles and faults.

Focus on God’s love. Only He knows all things about you. Pastor Jim.