“What’s new today?” your friend asks, and your reply is, “Nothing. Same old. Same old.”

How sad to sentence yourself to a day of boredom and inertia in the midst of a great world created by and watched over by our mighty God.

It sounds a lot like the author of Ecclesiastes (1:9) who cried, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Nothing new under the sun? Of course there is: there are new opportunities to learn about God, new opportunities to serve Him and glorify Him by who we are as His people and by what we do in His Name.

Nothing new under the sun? Same, old, same old? Not a bit of that is true. There is newness of life every day, so if you are feeling the sadness and depression that comes with the “late winter blues” it’s time to look out the window and see the beautiful world with which God has blessed you.

Our world, and your life in it, are His gifts to you. Enjoy them, for too soon the sun will go down again. Pastor Jim.