True story: This past Sunday, on the way home from church, as we passed Wheelwright Pond in Lee, we observed a man about 30-40′ out from shore, walking on the ice.

Remember, Saturday, the day before, was quite mild, near 50, and on Sunday the ice looked gray, with quite a bit of open water not far from him.

This guy was taking quite a risk, and for what?

What makes some people do some very dumb things? Apparently, they believe that, despite making poor decisions, nothing bad will come of it. What foolish, short-sighted thinking!

James 1: 13 teaches about temptation: “Each one is tempted when by his own evil desires, he is dragged away and enticed.”

I don’t know why this guy was tempted to go out onto that very thin ice, but I do know that God blessed him with safety– this time. We can only pray that he won’t be so foolish as to do something like that again. Pastor Jim.