Our world is so fast paced it’s hard to keep up with the changes.

Maybe it’s your children: they’re growing so fast, not just in size but in intellect and personality. Too fast!

Perhaps it’s that favorite place to eat. You’ve gone there for years but now you learn that it’s closed and that leaves a little hole in your life. So sad!

Or maybe you see the years just slipping by too fast. Why, just yesterday you were in your early twenties…now you’re staring at forty and wondering where the time went. Too scary!

We certainly do live in an ever-changing world.

But Jesus, He never changes. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

While we may face uncertain times as a result of a rapidly changing world we can be confident in Christ. He is the same loving Savior that He has always been, and He will continue to watch over you, guide you and desire the best for you. When all else changes around you, you can still trust in Christ. Pastor Jim