Lately I’ve seen a tv ad for some face cream that “magically” removes wrinkles, under eye bags and so on. Great stuff apparently. The spokesperson says to use it “when you want to feel the very best about yourself.”

Really? It takes skin cream to make someone feel the best about themselves? That sounds like a self-esteem problem to me.

I don’t object to things like this. I want people to look good and feel good about themselves, but true satisfaction is to be found in our relationship to God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son.

The Apostle Paul said it best: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1: 21.

The effect of that skin cream, according to the ad, lasts about eighteen hours. A relationship with Jesus lasts a lifetime and beyond that, as we prepare to share eternity with Him.

Go ahead and gob on that cream to take the wrinkles away, but remember that is a temporary solution. What will truly make you feel the best about yourself and your life is to give yourself to Jesus. Do so and He will bless you. Pastor Jim.