Sometimes people argue about the darndest things.

What may have begun as a friendly debate too often turns into a full-fledged argument that can destroy a relationship.

Politics and religion are, of course, two things that get people stirred up, but there is more. Major fights and resentment have developed over whose team is best or whose child is the most talented.

Whoa! It’s time to take a deep breath and consider that the other person is entitled to his/her opinion.

As an old friend of mine used to say, “It’s okay. You can be wrong if you want to be.”

There is truth in that. Paul wrote to Timothy (II Timothy 2: 23) and admonished him, saying, “Don’t have anything to do with stupid and foolish arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.”

We can agree to disagree and still get along, so keep your wits about you. You’ll keep more friends and sleep better that way. Pastor Jim.