It’s cloudy this morning, but it’s not raining. That’s an improvement, isn’t it? Yet there is more rain and snow in the forecast, and that is discouraging. That’s sort of the way life is, isn’t it? You experience days of joy, followed by days of gloom, then days that are good before the clouds of life roll in once more. Take heart! God is near. The wisdom writer said, “The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.” Ecclesiastes 1:5. Just like the sun, you may not see or feel the presence of the Lord, but He is with you each and every day, watching over you, an unseen helper who is ready to guide your life. If today is one of those cloudy days for you, pause for just a minute, thank Him for His unseen presence, then ask Him into your heart, to walk with you more completely every day. Then watch what happens! You will feel the warmth of His love–and you will feel His sunshine in your soul. May God bless you today as you seek him. He’s waiting for you! Pastor Jim.