This year’s growing season is pretty much done. It’s time to dig the potatoes, then put the garden to bed for the winter.

Many smart gardeners will turn their soil over again, rake it and then plant a cover crop, to return nutrients to the soil. This “green manure” will really benefit the soil, making the land even more productive next season.

In Job 4:8 we read, “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.”

If you want healthy, productive soil, plant a good cover crop. If you want a good life, sow seeds of love, patience, kindness and joy.

If you don’t care or if your heart is set on evil, then plant negativity, disunion and disillusionment and you will raise just such a crop in the life of your family or workplace.

Remember: what you plant, you will reap. Plant wisely, then, and reap God’s blessings for your life. Pastor Jim.