They come up suddenly, those spring and summer thunderstorms, but never so quickly that you don’t have time to close the windows or take down the awning.

You see them coming as you watch the thunderheads cross the lake or move in from the mountains.

Life’s storms can be more unexpected; a surprise heart attack, a head-on collision, or devastating fire. We don’t see them coming; they are upon us without warning.

How we respond to life’s sudden emergencies defines who we are.

Hear again Paul’s words to the Romans (8:28) that , “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

We may not always understand God’s purpose but if you love Him you are prepared for the unexpected. If you trust Him you will respond with faith and calm assurance; if you lean upon Him, He will guide you through any tragedy, for He is greater than any power.

Even in the midst of personal loss, the Lord will walk with you and guide you to victory. He will bless you even in the midst of the storm.

It’s not about being brave; it’s about being faithful. Pastor Jim.