Life can be tough–everyone agrees on that. Are things more difficult today, than 2,000 years ago, when Paul wrote the Scripture below?

I wonder. Perhaps they are: things are certainly more complicated , with greater demands put upon us by society, spouses, children, the companies we work for.

Life can be pressure packed and sometimes we just want to lash out at whoever is close at hand, and often for the worst of reasons.

Be careful, though. That’s Satan’s trap, to get you to do or say hurtful things to your friends or family.

And that harmful response is not what you signed up for when you accepted Christ as Savior and agreed to follow Him.

Paul wrote to the Ephesians and advised them to “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4: 2

Yes, life’s pressure may get to you now and again, but don’t take it out on those who love you, because, you know, you love them too. Pastor Jim