“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12.

That’s quite a statement by Paul, considering all that he had done to promote the cause of Christ and as he sought to continue to grow in his own spiritual life.

Even with all that he had gained, Paul didn’t feel that he had “arrived.” He was still “pressing on.”

How about you? Are you pressing on today, to become all that you can be in God’s sight? Or are you content to rest where you are, simply hoping for the best?

If Paul, with all that he had encountered, suffered, taught and overcome, felt that he still had much more to do and be, we should pursue the righteousness of God no less than He did.

So dig in today: Bible study, personal prayer, acts of ministry done unto others. These are some of the ways you grow in grace. Press on: your race is not yet run. Pastor Jim.