Once there was a hard-working man. He worked, from morning until night,every day.

The man had no regard for anything except the money he made. As his fortune increased it towered over everything else in his life.

He paid no attention to his wife, other than to give her things: money, clothes, jewelry and such, but he gave her no love.

He neglected his children, never went to their ball games, never sat and talked with them. He just ignored them.

The man cared nothing for God. He had no spiritual life at all. He just pursued wealth.

Jesus once asked, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? (Matthew 16:26).

Friends, stop a minute. Where is God and your family in the pecking order of your life? Are you on the right track, or are you in danger of forfeiting your soul? Pastor Jim