At a well, Jesus once had a conversation with a woman.

He learned that she was lost and lonely, and in deep spiritual need,thirsty for the good things of God.

He did not condemn her because of who she was, nor did He turn away from her for the things she had done.

Instead, He said to her (John 4: 14: “Whoever drinks the water him I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

A spring of living water: refreshment for the weary, thirsty soul, an opportunity to begin again and walk a new path.

Are you thirsty today for that living water? Has you life become dry from dissatisfaction and discouragement?

The living water that Jesus offers can revive you, just as surely as would the cold water from a deep well..

Best of all, in addition to help for today, the living water of Jesus Christ will lead you to eternal life.

It is yours for the asking, so do not hesitate. Pastor Jim.