Sometimes being a Christian can be very difficult.

We don’t have much to go on, do we? You can’t turn on the television and watch a “live and in person” pep talk from Jesus.

You can’t go to rally, hear Him preach and get His autograph.

We have the Bible, of course, but it’s two thousand years old and its truths are difficult for many to comprehend, let alone trust.

We certainly don’t understand the images and metaphors of the ancient culture in which Scripture was written.

Belief in Christ is a matter of faith, but not without its promise.

In John 14: 21 Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

There it is: if you believe in Jesus He will show Himself to you. He may not speak audibly; He may not appear in person, but He will reveal Himself to you, and you will know, without doubt, that He is with you.

Keep believing. Do not doubt. He is with you, and you will know it. Pastor Jim.