What comes to mind when you hear the word “devil?” Do you envision a guy all dressed in red,with a pitchfork, goatee and forked tail, all duded up for Halloween?

Perhaps, because it’s summertime, your thoughts are more restricted: to deviled eggs and deviled ham, for instance.

Or maybe you just shrug your shoulders and think that the devil simply doesn’t exist; that he is some myth thought up by old wives to scare their children into submission.

The devil, Satan, does exist and his purpose is to cause you grief. Rather than a defined being, however, the devil takes a more ethereal form–an insidious spirit of evil infecting our society.

The attack of the devil includes trying to convince people that God no longer matters, that people have the freedom to do as they please, regardless of how their behavior affects others.

It is the work of the devil that has created our “anything goes” society and because of his attacks we have lost our moral compass. We find our society crumbling, much to the devil’s delight.

It is time for each of us to stand up to Satan, to reclaim society for ourselves and for God. II Thessalonians 3:3 reminds us to trust God in the face of the devil: The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”

Keep a sharp eye: you can recognize the devil’s work when you see it. The challenge is to respond in the strength of God. Do so and He will bless you. Pastor Jim.