I don’t get it. Really, I don’t.

I’m talking about people who meet the Risen Christ, give their hearts to Him, accept salvation that only He can give, become baptized and enter into the life of the church.

They start off eager and active, ready to share their faith and willing to perform acts of service on behalf of others.

It appears that a rich, full life is opening up for them.

Then, suddenly, they fall away. They stop attending worship; they just drop out, with no explanation. Try to speak with them and you are rebuffed and ignored. What are they thinking?

The Apostle Paul had similar frustration with people in the church in Galatia. He wrote, “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? (Galatians 5:7)

I wonder what sort of answer Paul received.

My hope for you today is that you don’t fall away. Recognize that the Christian life is a life-long enterprise of learning and worship–the more you learn about the Savior the deeper your faith will grow.

The closer you are to Him the better you will be able to withstand and overcome the pressures of life.

Don’t ever give up! Your spiritual life depends upon it. Pastor Jim.