How do you respond to the people around you, not only your family and friends, but those you encounter in every day interaction?

Think for just a moment: how did you respond when one of the kids spilled something and made a mess?

How did you respond when you wife reminded you (again) that you still haven’t finished that project you promised to do?

How did you respond when the guy on the highway cut you off and made you slam on your brakes?

How did you respond when the server in the restaurant asked how things were, when the food she had served was terrible?

We each respond in different ways, but only one way is truly acceptable for God’s people. In Philippians 1: 27a it says, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

Keep that in mind today, as you make your way through a minefield of human interaction. May your responses be Godly and a blessing to everyone you meet. Pastor Jim.