Psalm 123: 3-4 says, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have endured much contempt. We have endured much ridicule from the proud, much contempt from the arrogant.”

And, more so, it seems, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Savior on Christmas Day. While we go peacefully about our business, proud and arrogant non-believers ridicule our faith, often doing all they can to interfere with and upset our celebration.

They criticize out of weakness, fear and hopelessness.

They are weak because, without Jesus on their side, they cannot be strong, despite their angry braying.

They are fearful because they have no trust in the future; it stretches before them as one bleak day after another, with only an empty death a certainty at the end.

Our critics live without hope because they refuse to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord; in their arrogance they believe themselves to be above and apart from God, the very God who has blessed them with all they possess.

It’s not too late, however. Give them the wonderful gift of prayer. Pray for those who ridicule our faith. Lift high those prayers to God and let Him work in the hearts of the arrogant.

May God bless and awaken them this Christmas. Pastor Jim.