Hot, humid, sticky weather! Who wants it to continue? What if it was to never end?

Imagine if you had to live with this every day. You would get pretty tired of it and ache for a change. At least you might have some options today: go to the lake for a swim or stay inside in air conditioned comfort.

Think of it in terms of eternity, though. On the day you die your eternal destiny is fixed. Would you prefer an eternal home of extreme heat and humidity, or eternal life in God’s verdant garden, safe in the embrace of a loving Savior?

The choice is yours: God does not condemn people to eternal suffering; we condemn ourselves by our failure to accept the love of Christ as our Savior.

Psalm 34:22 is quite clear: The Lord redeems His servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him.”

Please think carefully and choose wisely. Also, choose quickly. You never know what this very day might bring. Turn to God and He will bless you. Pastor Jim.