Motive: A word that has gained a sinister meaning in recent times.

Perhaps “motive” has gained notoriety as a result of the many detective shows that, when discussing criminal behavior, talk about the perpetrator’s motive. Why did he do it?

Good question. Why do any of us do the things we do, both the good things and the questionable ones?

Is our motive to simply do good, or do we suffer from a wanton desire to always be thought a hero? Do we act out of selfishness, desperation or pride–what is YOUR motive?

The book of Proverbs (16:2) puts it this way: “You may believe you are doing right, but the Lord will judge your reasons.”

That should give you pause: your reasons will be judged.

Think before you act. Are you doing the right things for the right reason, the wrong thing for the wrong reason, or something somewhere in between?

The Lord knows your mind and your heart. And your motive. Pastor Jim.