“What have you done for me lately?”

Ever said that? It’s like booing a .300 hitter because he goes 0 for 5 in one game, or being angry with your best friend because she can’t drive you to the doctor’s on a certain day, even though she’s done it many times before.

One misstep and you are toast in the mind of someone else.

“What have you done for me lately?” is a selfish statement, uttered without thought or concern for others. It’s a declaration of just how important you think your life is compared to the other person. And it’s wrong.

Sometimes we feel that way about God, if He isn’t Johnny-on-the-spot to answer our prayer demands. “Who does He think He is?” we say, indignant that our self-important request goes unanswered at that moment.

The Psalmist told us what God is about, in Psalm 103:29, saying, “He stilled the storm to a whisper, the waves of the sea were hushed.”

Maybe you’re in pain today, hurting and impatient for God to act on your behalf. Be patient. He is here; His power is enormous. Your day will come. Trust in Him and Him alone. Do not lose heart. He will rescue you.

Pastor Jim.