Yesterday I had an interesting but sad conversation with a young woman.

I asked if she enjoyed a lovely Easter, to which she responded, “No, not really. My boyfriend and I just hung out, like we do every Sunday. It was just another day.”

How sad! Easter Sunday, the joyous day of resurrection and she found it no different than any other day.

Unfortunately, there are many who do not celebrate the joy and hope of Easter Sunday; so many who simply are missing the glorious life that awaits those who believe in Christ as Savior.

Christ died for them too and He wants to be in fellowship with them. In Hebrews 5: 2 it says that, “He (Jesus) is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray.”

I will continue to pray for my young friend and hope that you will pray for someone you know who, like her, is in a similar place in life. Pastor Jim.