One step forward, then two steps back. Or two steps forward and one step back.

Life is not a straight path from start to finish. Just about the time you think you have overcome something–quitting smoking, for instance–you find yourself under stress and light up.

Or you lose patience and anger takes over.

Try as you might, it’s hard to live a life that consistently honors God.

I Corinthians 10:12 Paul wrote, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall!”

We must, therefore, be ever vigilant in our faith. Do not neglect prayer, attendance at worship, being in the presence of other believers or the study of God’s Word.

It is these things that will help you to stand firm and keep from falling.

Yes, you may step back now and again–that’s the price you pay for being human–but you will find that your steps forward take you closer to the goal of personal righteousness, while those backward steps are but a shuffle, not a stride. Pastor Jim.