Do you qualify? Are you good enough?

To display at certain craft fairs you have to have your wares “juried”; judged beforehand by others to see if they meet a minimum standard.

To enter a NASCAR race you first must qualify by maintaining minimum speed on the course.

Before being interviewed for certain jobs you first must present your resume, to prove that you have what it takes–that you are qualified.

I Colossians 1: 12 Paul says he is “”giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.”

What is it that qualifies you to become part of the kingdom of light? Only this: belief in Jesus Christ, that He willingly died upon the cross for the forgiveness of your sin, and that He rose again, by God’s power, from the dead, to take His own place in that kingdom of light.

That’s all: no test to take, no judgement by your peers, nothing to do with how tall or handsome you may be. Just believe in Jesus as your personal Savior; then you are qualified. Pastor Jim.