Sometimes it’s difficult to express our faith. It’s hard, when speaking with someone who has no faith, to describe what our faith is, and its impact on our daily lives.

People outside of the faith just don’t get it, often because they are so focused on worldly things: making a living, getting the ids to soccer practice on time–whatever it may be that keeps their focus off of God.

Don’t give up, though. Don’t stop trying to explain how you feel and why you feel the way you do. Perhaps memorizing I John 5:4a will help: “everyone born of God overcomes the world.”

Whatever happens today, whatever circumstance you encounter, if you believe in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, then you have overcome the world.

It may be that you still can’t explain it to your next door neighbor, but you will know it in your own heart and that knowledge will carry you through whatever comes your way today. Pastor Jim.