“Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” James 2:18b

Two thousand years since this was written but people still try to justify themselves by the use of this verse of Scripture.

It still doesn’t work. There is no substitute for faith in God’s world. People may work diligently in His kingdom, the church, making pies for church suppers, painting, singing in the choir and many more acts of service, but these all follow faith.

If you are without faith in the saving power of God through Jesus Christ then all of your works of service are empty and incomplete.

It is faith that motivates us to be involved and to do good works, not the other way around.

But belief in Christ should produce a sense of gratitude that they prompts us to do those works–for His glory, but not in an attempt to win or earn our salvation.

Keep that in mind the next time you are asked to do something around the church; your works of service are a wonderful response to His love for you, but not a substitute for you loving Him. Pastor Jim.