On the evening news the other night was a story about a televangelist from Louisiana, who has asked his church to donate 54 million dollars for a jet, so the preacher can travel worldwide. Part of his rationale included the statement that “If Jesus were here today, He wouldn’t be riding on the back of a donkey; He’d be aboard this jet.” What this fellow fails to recognize that he, himself, is NOT Jesus. Jesus may deserve the jet; this man does not. In Matthew’s Gospel (23:12) Jesus taught that “whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Those who feel that they are more deserving than others, or better than others, will surely learn the truth of Jesus’ words. But when we humble ourselves before God we are blessed. Be blessed today by being humble in the presence of your family, your friends and the clerk at the coffee shop, and leave the reward to God. Pastor Jim.