How will you face today?

Will you be resigned to another day of being pushed around at work, being berated for things you haven’t done or blamed for those you have?

Or will you scream at the kids when they don’t live up to expectations, then roar off, down the road, endangering others by your rage?

Or will you simply take things as they come, understanding that not every day will be perfect and not all situations will be resolved to your satisfaction, but that God is always there.

How you respond to today says a lot about who you really are.

Perhaps these words will help: “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'” I Peter 5: 5b.

Whatever you face today, know that God goes with you, so let Him guide and direct your path. It’s the way to personal peace. Pastor Jim.