“Hey, don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”

What a comfort those words are, to know you have a friend so dedicated that, when hard times come, he (or she) will be there for you, to help you through the stormy times of life.

We all need someone like that and, you know what? We have one. His name is Jesus and He is the One to have your back when things get rough.

No, you can’t see Him, but then again, you can’t always see what your human friend does or says on your behalf.

Just knowing you aren’t alone can be the greatest help.

Following Moses’ death, God called Joshua to be the leader of His people. God said (Joshua 1:5), “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

If you have accepted Christ, you can be assured of the same Holy Presence, so take heart: you are not alone and never will be. Pastor Jim.