Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

This Old Testament imagery may sound quite foreign to us,but God’s Word is for all ages. It’s unlikely that we face real, physical enemies today as the Psalmist did, but God still provides for us in time of distress.

Think a moment: Might “busyness” be an enemy? You are so busy you can’t stop for dinner, but have to grab something from the fast food lane? God, in His mercy, prepares a table for us–the opportunity to simply sit and rest and enjoy a meal.

He anoints us with oil. What a comfort to have soothing oil rubbed into your scalp, providing relaxation at the end of a stressful day.

The point is that God provides for our needs; not just physical needs, but emotional needs as well. Don’t let the stresses of life bowl you over. Take rest and comfort in God’s arms. What a blessing! Your cup of life will indeed be full as you allow the Lord to minister to you. Pastor Jim.