Freedom. Here in the United States we take it for granted. We’ve been free longer than any of us can remember.

We’ve never known anything other than freedom, at least political freedom–free elections, freedom to travel without restrictions, freedom of speech–those kinds of freedoms have become second nature to us.

But there is another freedom: the freedom of soul, and so many today do not possess it. Their souls are in chains to the sins of selfishness, greed, personal ego–all the things that keep them from being all that they could be in the eyes of God.

Do you know someone in bondage like that? Are you yourself enslaved?

Jesus Christ came to set us free from slavery to sin. In Galatians 5: 1 Paul reminds us, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Because of His sacrifice upon the cross we can be free in soul and spirit.

As you celebrate the freedom of our nation today, celebrate as well your personal soul freedom. It is God’s gift to you, purchased by the precious blood of the Savior. Pastor Jim.