Disappointment and discouragement can be difficult emotions to endure.

You work hard at some project or other, or labor to prepare and serve stellar meals, but your efforts go unappreciated and unnoticed.

Take heart, though. Don’t be discouraged. “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” II Chronicles 15:7.

Be strong and don’t stop. Living a full and productive life is not for the weak-willed or for quitters. Keep in mind that this world is full of people too self-centered to notice what you are doing.

Your effort might not be noticed today; maybe not even for years to come, but someday you will receive your due.

It might not happen in this life: you may never get that promotion; your children may never notice all you have done for them, your spouse may continue to ignore your efforts, but God is watching and He will provide, in His good time, recognition and blessing for all you do.

Hang in there! Pastor Jim.