“Someday I’ll write a book.”

That’s a comment I hear quite frequently, as people talk about the unique and interesting experiences of their lives.

My answer is, “Why not?” The response is generally that the person is too busy or some vague mumbling about something not remotely understandable.

My question remains: “Why not?”

You see, there are “dreamers” and “doers” in this world. Dreamers think about what they want to do; doers get out there and do it, and that is a big difference when it comes to living a full, satisfied life.

Proverbs 14:23 teaches that “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

Dreaming is fine, but dreams without corresponding action lead us nowhere. Maybe God IS leading you to write a book or start a business or go back to school, but if you stop at the dream and never put that dream into action, you may regret it twenty years from now. Pray about it, then, and follow God’s leading. He will provide the blessing, so get to it! Pastor Jim.”