A lack of confidence can paralyze your soul.

We’ve all been in situations when we just can’t decide what to do, which way to turn, what is best, so we make no decision at all.

We shrug our shoulders and allow whatever it is that is troubling us to fester. We become paralyzed by our own inability to act.

However, in Isaiah 54:10 it is written, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord who has compassion on you.

Have confidence in God, for His unfailing love and compassion for you will not be shaken, nor His covenant of peace be cancelled. Therefore, lift up your difficulties to Him; pray and KEEP praying–with confidence in Him –you WILL be blessed with an answer.

Mountains and hills cannot keep the Lord from you. He has made a covenant with His people and He will NOT break it.

God will NEVER let you down. Never. So trust in Him. Pastor Jim.