You’re having coffee with a friend when the conversation turns to “spiritual things.”

Your friend tells you all about her beliefs. It’s an astounding mish-mosh of facts and fables that bears no resemblance to what you were taught in Sunday school, or what you practice in your own church.

Your friend is insistent however. You ask what she believes about the Cross and she responds that “nobody believes in that anymore–it’s just too nasty to think about. A loving God wouldn’t do THAT to His Son.”

Colossians 2:8 teaches, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

Friends, false teachers have existed since the time of the resurrection. They seek to lead you off the track with their message of false hope and phony peace.

It is the God of the Bible in whom we believe and it is this God alone who can give you true peace and eternal life, so don’t let those “feel good friends” win you over to some foolishness that sounds attractive but leads to destruction. Pastor Jim.