“What goes around, comes around.” At least that’s our hope for those who abuse, insult or otherwise seek to bring trouble into our lives.

It’s not the way of God, however, so listen up. In II Corinthians 1: 4 Paul puts it this way: “God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

Before you go around hoping for the worst to happen to those who have wronged you, consider that God has blessed you so that you can be a blessing to them in their time of trouble.

It’s a tough message, because it strikes at the heart of human pride, but He is less concerned with your pride than your humility.

Humble yourself, then, and do all you can to bless your adversary. Keep in mind that the comfort that God has given to you was given so that you might pass it along to others.

It’s a challenge to be God-like, but if you can demonstrate His love you will both be blessed. Pastor Jim.