One thing you can say about John the Baptist: he was a plain-spoken man. He didn’t mince words, didn’t beat around the bush. God had sent him to preach and he did not hesitate to proclaim the truth of God.

In Matthew 3:8 he spoke very plainly, saying, “bear fruit in keeping with repentance.”

That’s pretty clear, isn’t it? You have accepted God’s forgiveness for the life you once lived.. You are sorry for your failures, just as God is sorry on your behalf.

Now all is forgiven and forgotten. Today is a brand new day and your past is remembered no more. What remains is for you to live a new, inspired life, based on your acceptance of God’s mercy and love.

Commit your life to Him; honor His love for you by living a new and better life. Bear fruit–kindness, love for others, works of service–because you have turned from that former life.

God will bless the “new you” in ways you can only imagine! Pastor Jim..